2025 Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation Student Travel Fellowships
The Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation was established for the arrangement and sponsorship of international conferences, symposia, and educational programs that are dedicated to the advancement of bioorganic, synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry.
The Foundation will next sponsor the 17th Winter Conference on Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry, which will be held in the Steamboat Grand Hotel, Steamboat Springs, Colorado from Sunday February 2nd to Thursday February 6th, 2025. The 17th Winter Conference will bring together industrial and academic scientists from across the chemistry-medicine continuum and will be focused on drug discovery and development.
The Foundation will be providing partial support for research active undergraduate students and graduate students to attend the 2025 Conference. Students who are carrying out research in medicinal chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, and chemical biology are encouraged to apply. All Fellowship recipients will have to present the results of their research in the Conference poster session. The top undergraduate and graduate student poster presenters will receive cash prizes.
The Board of the Foundation will evaluate all applications and award up to 15 fellowships. Fellowship support includes $1,500 for the student’s travel and lodging, in addition to full coverage of registration fees. Students must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in North America. The Foundation seeks to support a diverse cohort of MBCF Scholars and allow them to meet and interact with chemists from industry and academia.
Application Procedure
Students are invited to apply directly to us, if they fulfill the following criteria:
• GPA > 3.4
• Experience working in a research laboratory and enough individual intellectual contribution for a poster
Please send the application containing the documents below as a single PDF file to and with the subject lastname firstname Application (example: Smith_Sarah_Application).
• Transcript (Unofficial transcript is acceptable)
• Curriculum Vitae (recommended 1-2 pages)
• Research summary (prepared by applicant; 1 page maximum; font 11)
A letter of recommendation from the research mentor should be emailed directly by the mentor to and with the email subject lastname firstname letter (example: Smith Sarah letter).
Applications (Transcript, CV and Research Summary) must be submitted by 11:59pm (Eastern Standard Time) on November 1st, 2024. All fellowship recipients will be notified late-November 2024.
View our 2023 Scholars
View our 2022 Scholars
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